SCMA Annual Conference 7th July 2016

/, News/SCMA Annual Conference 7th July 2016

SCMA Annual Conference 7th July 2016

The SCMA will be holding a formal one day conference on Thurs 7 July at etc venues, Marble Arch. I hope this will be the start of an annual conference. I am writing to give you a heads up as members of the Bar ADR Panel before any formal marketing starts. The programme is as follows:


Keynote address: Rt Hon Lord Falconer

Confirmed speakers/Workshops –

Stephen Walker – Establishing a Mediation Advocacy Practice

Colin Manning – Trends in Mediation Representation

Tim Wallis – Extending Mediation in Personal Injury Work

Andrew Goodman – Mediator Selection – Why I Don’t Choose You

Michel Kallipetis QC – Ethical Dilemmas for the Mediation Practitioner

Michael MacParland – The Definitive Preparing and Presenting the Opening Statement in Mediation


There will in addition be a discussion panel, and HH Judge Philip Bartle QC is trying to get himself released from court to join us to provide a view from the circuit bench of mediation developments.


At the conclusion of the event there will be a formal launch of the SCMA Mediation Advocacy Standards document, which is slowly getting into circulation, although not yet in its final form.


The places will be limited to the size of the room. SCMA Members £150 non-members £210.

Our account details will be emailed to you when we receive your registration.


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