CDRC Vienna 2016

/CDRC Vienna 2016

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During 2018 AMATI has been working with ADR Group in the UK, individual firms and sets of barristers’ chambers and professionals in India and China, and has entered into development agreements with the International Professional Dispute Resolution Advocates Association (PRC) and the Global Academy for Advocates in Dispute Resolution (India) providing core training and accreditation in mediation advocacy.

In addition SCMA supports the work of the International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute, the Hong Kong Mediation Centre and the Joint Mainland-Hong Kong Mediation Centre. SCMA has certified training courses run by GAADR and The Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Team (PACT) India.

SCMA continues to provide accredited training in Turkey and Nigeria and continues to offer partnership and mentoring programmes with colleagues in Australasia, Singapore and Brazil. During this year SCMA established a working relationship with colleagues in South Africa.

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IBA-VIAC Mediation and Negotiation Competition

We would like to share with you the announcement of the 2nd IBA-VIAC International Mediation and Negotiation Competition Vienna to take place from 28 June to 2 July 2016. The “CDRC Vienna” is a moot competition in the field of Consensual Dispute Resolution, especially focusing on mediation and negotiation.
The Competition brings together students from around the world who specialize in mediation or negotiation to enable them to prove their skill and strategy to achieve the best deals in simulated legal mediations based on an adapted version of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot problem. The 5-day event will include over 50 competition sessions and will be accompanied by daily educational and social events, uniting 200 competitively selected students and experts from over 30 countries.
University teams of negotiators or mediators are invited to apply online until 31 January to be among the selected teams to enter the 2016 competition.
Practitioners specializing in mediation or negotiation who would like to volunteer as an Expert Assessor for the competition are invited to apply online until 31 March 2016.

For more information please visit, stay posted on Facebook or Twitter or contact competition director Claudia Winkler at [email protected].

Please feel free to share this invitation to participate in the Competition to any students, professionals or universities in your network that might be interested to participate in the 2016 Competition.

We hope to see many of you in Vienna!

with best regards,